5 ways to connect with entrepreneurs

September 24, 2018
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Connecting with other entrepreneurs will benefit you in many cases – from building relationships, expanding your business to getting the right advice, etc.

Here are five ways to connect with other entrepreneurs easily.

1. Be active on Twitter

There are many social networks that can connect with many entrepreneurs – but Twitter is the best social network. Twitter is the data sources, constantly pumping out the latest information in a variety of field.

Twitter helps you make more relationships

Even the busiest entrepreneurs are active on Twitter every day. If you identify someone you want to connect with, take a quick glance at their tweets and if they answer any tweet related to them, then contact with them.

Personally, I like Twitter because it’s direct and simple. With a limit of 140 characters in a tweet, it eliminates long messages.

2. Join entrepreneurial organizations

Joining an entrepreneurial organization is a great way to meet and connect with other great individuals. These organizations provide a number of benefits to others, such as counseling, accounting, etc., to connect people together based on their needs.

3. Don’t hesitate to make new connections

Take a step back and think about all connections you already have. Every single connection you have, it may be beneficial to you.

How can you take advantage of this? Simple – just ask for a connection or a friend. Access to all the connections that may be useful to you and send friend invitations. Remember every relationship must be win-win, so ask them what you can help them.

4. Set up face-to-face meet-ups

Meet-up is great, but not everyone can hold it often, because it is quite costly and time-consuming. But if you want, you can still create meetings.

Be proactive in organizing appointments, start with your friends. Simply by an invitation to drink coffee, have lunch or dinner. Then, you can grow up with your circles. For example, your friends can go along with 1-2 other interesting friends, gradually you get a great circle.

5. Join a co-working space

It’s better to get out of your daily working space. Working in different environments is good for creativity and is a great way to reduce boredom.

Working in an interesting environment and with many people like you helps you improve your productivity and make friends.

Many entrepreneurs immediately think of Starbucks when they leave their office. Surely you will have interesting conversations there, but if you have to work, choose the right place to work.

There are many affordable prices to work on by the hour or by parts of a day. Moreover, besides working,people have more opportunities to interact, introduce themselves, as well as learn about other members. Entrepreneurs will always prefer to work in a coffee shop with a working space and free coffee (the cost of coffee is included in the cost of seating).


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