Van Tay Media Book review – The customer rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service

Vy Vy
October 15, 2021
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1. Book title: The customer rules: The 39 Essential Rules for Delivering Sensational Service

2. Speaker: Khánh Linh – Account Executive at Van Tay Media

3. Content: As its name indicates, the book shows 39 principals or 39 bite-sized personal stories that Lee Cockerell has learnt in his 40+ years career in the hospitality industry. Here, it would tell you how to serve your customers so well that they’ll never want to do business with anyone but you.

4. Book’s Audience: Everyone, especially those working at Sale, Customer Service and Management Departments.

5. Time: 20 minutes

6. Slide

7. Video

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