1. Book title: What To Eat For Not Doing Harm – Pha Le
2. Speaker: Thảo Đỗ – Account Executive at TELOS
3. Content:
Humans are omnivores by nature and were constantly on the move in search of food. Thanks to being omnivores, humans naturally synthesize all nutrients from animal-based and plant-based food resources from their habitat.
Experiencing stages of evolution, war, agricultural and industrial revolution, humans gradually drifted away from their original lifestyle of migration, unknowingly leading to major diseases from not eating enough nutrients or eating inappropriate food mixture that does not generate conditions for vitamins synthesis into nutrients (for example, without eating vegetables, Eskimos still got vitamin C from eating raw fish, but sailors who eat canned and cooked fish suffered from Scurvy).
By using scientific evidence and stories on the omnivorous journey of mankind, Pha Le guides readers to reveal their own treatment for a suitable eating plan, in the mist of overwhelming informative century telling people what to eat and what to avoid.
4. Book’s Audience: For those who start noticing types of food that they digest, are interested in eating and healing, and for those who are not very interested in food but are often questioned and advised about what they should and they shouldn’t.
5. Time: 15 minutes
6. Slide
7. Video