VT0001 – Bui Nguyen Quoc Toan: What I like most when working at Vantay Media?

Nguyen Thao
August 1, 2018
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See the original post at http://toanbui.com/vtm

It could be…

… because I am its founder, hihihi

But wait, believe me, even if you start something, you will not love it for no reason to love…


Simple operating system

Uhm, for the sake of all of us, let the troubles in another place, such as a museum.


A clear direction

Oh, how do we know where we are if we do not clearly know the destination? If a boat with a strong engine and food floats on the ocean without a destination, sooner or later it will be sunk.


Remote working (OMG)

Well, every morning, I am not on the road struggling with traffic jam. In the evening, I do not face with flooded roads. I can wear (or not) my favorite clothes to work, sing my favorite songs, … It sounds good

That’s it, well, but there is the last thing, also the biggest reason to go so far, hihihi …
The teammates …

Perhaps none of us is a genius. We are ordinary people, trying to do kind things, fitting pieces to create new values ​​conscientiously.

To do great things, we must do the right thing first.


Thank you, since you are all here

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