Ready to be a leader – Final Round: not “end”, but “and”

Nguyen Thao
November 25, 2020
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A Team leader in ERA Content Marketing (one of Van Tay Media sister brands) is like a liaison between the team members, who bridges the gap and supports them to develop their abilities comprehensively. Thus, in such a comfortable working environment, each individual has a chance to work hard, showcase his/her potentials confidently and share the story about his/her success to each other.

The training chain called “Ready to be a leader”, which has been held internally with the participation of all team members, aims to exploit the members’ potentials and choose a new X factor suitable to the team leader position.

You can check out more training sessions of Round 1 in this post: Training in-house: Ready to be a leader!

The whole team was reviewing the ongoing projects with the key personnel, Tinh Duong (in a checkered shirt) and Huong Uyen (in a white shirt)

The whole team was reviewing the ongoing projects with the key personnel, Tinh Duong (in a checkered shirt) and Huong Uyen (in a white shirt)

Round 2 has started with two members – Tinh Duong and Huong Uyen, who have been chosen in Round 1 to continue training sessions. Both have experienced a challenge which aimed to test their ability of managing the project, solving problems, as well as exploit their own strengths and finding new chances.

The two members have had a chance to “fight” right in the ongoing projects of the team so that they can understand the team’s operation fully and implement marketing projects, goals of which is to attract the customers.

Vigorous discussion on coming plans ERA Content marketing

Vigorous discussion on coming plans

Within 2 months, Round 2 team (a temporary name of the team as it has 4 members including 2 key personnel who have been mentioned above and 2 mentors: Mrs. Yen Kieu and Mr. Toan Bui) has published the Brand Book for ERA Content Marketing, which has oriented clearly and professionally the image and story of ERA. This is also the first brand of Van Tay Media to have a completed brand locator and be selected as a demo for our Brand Book service package.

The Brand Book 2020 of ERA Content Marketing 

The Brand Book 2020 of ERA Content Marketing 

The whole team had a chance to gather around and share their experience in the last few days of the training course. Though having some good points to develop and bad points to improve, the two candidates are highly appreciated for producing such an excellent performance exceeding the expectation. Besides, the sharing of orientation toward their development is considered carefully so that Ms. Yến Kiều could make the final decision.

Finally, Hương Uyên has been selected to be the Team Leader of ERA Content Marketing; Tính Dương will focus more on his specialization as well as take responsibility for creative projects. The others have been allocated an appropriate yet explicit position so that they can promote their strength and improve the effectiveness of the work.

Officially, Hương Uyên has become the content team leader of ERA Content Marketing

Officially, Hương Uyên has become the content team leader of ERA Content Marketing

The content team leader plays a vital role in connecting members and assisting the control of the human resource’s quality as well as the output’s effectiveness for each project. She will be in charge of not only managing marketing activities for ERA Content, coordinating and finding suitable personnel, but also supporting the service upgrade and content creation.

The expectation of the personnel system’s adjustment will make a brand new milestone in the journey of ERA Content Marketing’s development. The orientation of each employee is an indispensable part of the whole company’s success. Though having ended, the training course gave many opportunities and challenges for our growth and “level-up.”

Do you want to become a part of our company? ERA Content gives many recruitment’s chances for those who dares to take action, to express creativity, and never give up.

Opportunity to work at ERA Content Marketing: ERA Content Marketing – Tuyển dụng

Uyên Bùi

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