Van Tay Media debate contest season 4: Team – Execution – Expansion

Vy Vy
September 14, 2022
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Season 4 of Van Tay Media’s debate contest was held with the active participation of 5 teams (up to 25 members in total). Compared to previous years, the organizers offered an extremely opening contest based on 3 main themes which were Team (trust teammates) – Execution (excellent execution) – Expansion (rapid expansion), 5 teams were free to choose at least one aspect to present in different formats.

van tay media debate

Before starting, the teams draw the order of presentation. After the opening remarks by Mr. Toan – Founder of Van Tay Media, the contest officially took place.

Board of examiners: Mr. Nhan Luu (Co-founder TELOS), Ms. Kieu Hai Yen (CEO Van Tay Media), Mr. Nha Nguyen (Performance Manager GOHA) (left to right)

1. BRO5 Team

5 members of BRO5 excellently presented us with solutions to the issues provided by the organizers. The program called My Bro-Five was integrated with the company’s existing Librarian library. Each employee was created a profile containing information such as resume, promotion path, training route, mutual reputation index assessment, pairing to have better mutual understanding, etc. The main purpose of the program was helping employees get to know their strengths to keep promoting and improving the weaknesses.

  1. Milk Tea Team

The team suggested improving the lean intern training process by applying the D-I-S-C and GAMIFICATION models. The team also proposed a DM TRAINING training process to help interns at the company easily grasp the training route to meet job requirements and promotion timelines.


  1. Peach Tea Team

With only 1 member based in Ho Chi Minh City and 3 members working remotely in other provinces, Peach Tea team spent time sharing about “improving emotional trust”. Although the sharing was short and minimal, it helped everyone understand each other better.

  1. 9:30 Team

Focusing on the Team element, this team launched a 9/30 program consisting of 9 selected programs according to 8 well-being criteria, organized throughout 30 days with a series of activities to help employees have the opportunity to interact. understanding each other better. Besides, there are a number of activities to improve the healthy life of employees such as candle making workshops, essential oils workshop, recycling of old stuff, happy meals, etc. 

  1. Introvert Team

The Introvert Team chose the “Team” aspect with a series of Understanding Day events held monthly. On that day, an employee in the company’s team will share a professional knowledge of the work.

At the end of each section, the teams took turns scoring each other. The Judges also scored and collected data to find out the ranking of the teams. General comments for the fourth season of the debating contest were adequate preparation, teamwork, and offering solutions that reflected and properly solved the current issues at the company. Here is the full list of winners: 

Winner: BRO5

1st runner-up: 9:30 

2nd runner-up: Milk tea

Consolation: Peach Tea, Introversion

Celebrate birthdays for November’s members: Nha, Huong, Mai (left to right)

van tay media debate season 4 2022

Closing a debating contest season of many highly feasible ideas, 2023 will be the year to focus on developing Team – Execution – Expansion at Van Tay Media.

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